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Read and explore Stick Man

Axel Scheffler reads Stick Man

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Stick Man lives in the family tree. One day he goes out for a walk but keeps getting used for different things. Join him on his journey back to the family tree. What will he get used for next? Use the video above to watch Stick Man.

Here are three ways to explore the story with your child as you watch together:

  • Encourage your child to join in with repeated parts of the story: “I’m Stick Man, I’m Stick Man, I’m Stick Man, that’s me.”
  • Talk about how Stick Man is being used. Ask your child what they might use a stick for or give them some other suggestions.
  • Point out the changing seasons in the background of the pictures.

Stick Man activities

After you have finished the story, try these Stick Man themed activities together:

  • Season spotting: Go outside to your garden or a nearby outside space. See if you can spot signs of the current season. For example, blossoms on the trees in spring or brown and orange leaves on the ground in autumn.
  • Collecting sticks: See what sticks or other natural materials you can find and collect, such as leaves, pebbles or conkers. These can be used to make a picture or your very own Stick Man.
  • Rubbings: Take some paper and crayons outside with you. Hold the paper onto a tree trunk and rub over the top with the side of a wax crayon. You could also try rubbing over leaves or objects you have at home such as Lego bricks.
  • Draw your family: Talk about who Stick Man lives with in the family tree. Work together to draw your family and talk about who each person is.
  • Songs and rhymes: Talk about the weather in the story and what the weather is like outside today. Sing these rhymes about weather: I Hear Thunder, It’s Raining, It’s Pouring, I Can Sing a Rainbow.

For older children

Read the story again and emphasise the rhyming words, for example, ‘me’ and ‘tree.’ Ask your child to think of more words to continue the rhyming string, such as ‘bee’, ‘see’, ‘key’. Challenge them to think of their own rhyming pairs.